Fall Movie Marathons to Have This Season


If you are seeking to marathon a spooky series this fall, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, I’m sharing a few of my favorite series to watch during the Halloween season!

During the fall, I normally keep myself busy running off to quidditch tournaments and working on school assignments. I tend to neglect watching my favorite Halloween movies. Since the pandemic is still around (therefore canceling my crazy adventures), however, bingeing a spooky series sounds like the perfect way to celebrate and get into the Halloween spirit!

I have never been an avid horror movie fan, so you might not see your favorite horror movies on here (but you should definitely comment to let me know what I need to add to my watchlist). I have included a few kid-friendly options as well, so check out the first three on the list if you are looking for a family-friendly series to watch!


This is on Disney+, so this lovely series is even more accessible than ever. I remember loving the Halloweentown movies as a kid, so this is one I plan on prioritizing this season. I have already watched the first one, so I’m looking forward to continuing this series!

Scooby Doo

Now, this one comes with plenty of options. Are you going to watch the live-action originals? The original series? The new movie, Scoob? All the animated movies? Mystery Incorporated? Or simply try to watch them ALL? I’m a huge Scooby Doo fan, so I definitely hope to fit in some Scooby Doo movies and shows into my schedule (it’s a good thing to watch with my dog Scooby anyways).

Plus, I found some Scoob sugar cookies at the grocery store, so I have the perfect snack to eat while watching (after I bake them of course)! Although the Scooby Doo graham cracker snacks are always a good option too.

Harry Potter

The Harry Potter series is a classic during Halloween…there are wizards, witches, trolls, werewolves-it’s a great way to get into the Halloween spirit and add some magic to your day!

(I do not support JK Rowling’s comments against trans people, but I also do not see the point of abandoning a series after loving it for over a decade. While I appreciated her mind for creating this wonderful series, I associated these books and movies with so many other people, like the actors and actresses in the movies. Plus, regardless of her views, the community she’s created with this series is honestly one of the most welcoming and supportive groups of people that I’ve ever come across, so removing this nostalgic series from my life completely seems like it would harm me more than her.)

The Conjuring

These are some of my favorite scary movies, and they are based off the real-life paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. I love the first Conjuring, but I love the second one even more. I also enjoy the majority of the other movies in this ‘universe’, so I’ll likely watch the Annabelle movies (except the most recent one, I was not a fan) and The Nun as well!

American Horror Story

You could pick one season, or you could watch them all, but American Horror Story is a great option if you want to watch some spooky storylines. There are witches, serial killers, clowns, voodoo, ghosts, cults, apocalypses-American Horror Story truly covers a lot. I have yet to watch the last two seasons, so they will be at the beginning of my list of Halloween shows to watch!


This one also comes with a couple of options. Do you want to watch the originals, the new movies, or both? I actually have not seen the first movie in the new adaption (you know, the one where the main characters are kids), so I am really hoping to find a way to watch it this month. If you really want a marathon, you could also add more movie adaptations of Stephen King novels to the list!

Do you plan on bingeing any of these movies? What movies do you like to watch around Halloween?

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8 thoughts on “Fall Movie Marathons to Have This Season

  1. I love the variety of spooky shows in this post! I have just finished rewatching the HPs and have started rewatching AHS Murder House – soo good. I definitely need to give the conjuring a go, thank you so much for sharing 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh that’s awesome, I can’t wait to rewatch the HP movies! I really need to rewatch Murder House too-I just finished the Cult season for the first time. And yes, I hope you enjoy The Conjuring as much as I do if you get the chance to watch it!


  2. Halloweentown is such a classic, it feels like a whole generation grew up with it. Not sure what movies I’ll be watching around Halloween, but hopefully I can find something on Netflix or TV!

    Liked by 1 person

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