Good Reading Habits Tag


I was nominated for the Good Reading Habits tag by Macey at Brine and Books. She has a lovely blog with lifestyle, book, and writing posts, so be sure to check out her site!

I was quite excited to see this tag as I’ve been trying to get back into reading lately! I never stopped reading, but throughout college and postgraduate life, I was so caught up with classes and work that I didn’t read as often as I wanted to. For the past year or so, however, I have been allocating more of my free time to reading! I’m still not where I would like to be, but I do have some good habits to share!

Anyways, for this tag, all you have to do is discuss your good reading habits, tag back to the original creator, and tag a few friends!


I normally read multiple books at a time. One on my Kindle, one fiction book, and one non-fiction book. I try not to read more than that, but sometimes it happens. It’s relatively easy for me to keep the content of each book seperate in my head though, especially since each story belongs to a different genre!

Reading a variety

I tend to read books from a variety of genres. Fantasy, mystery, romance, nonfiction, comics, classics, poetry, young adult-I switch between them all. I’m fairly good at selecting books I enjoy too. I suppose I’m not that picky when it comes to books, but there have been a few that I stopped reading because I could not get into them.

Keeping track of what I read

I have a section in my bullet journal for the books I read (both yearly and monthly). I also keep up with books on Goodreads. This way, I have a better idea of how much I am reading and what types of books I have been reaching for. I like to set reading goals every year as well, so keeping track of the books I read helps me document my progress!

Using the library

Books can be expensive, and since I’m currently searching for a job, I’m trying to limit my purchases as much as I can. Fortunately, the library gives me access to so many books that I can check out and read for free! I also like browsing their ‘recommended/favorites’ and ‘new’ sections for some new reads! I still need to check out Overdrive though-apparently it allows you to borrow books online on your phone/tablet if you have a library account!

I also like to browse smaller, locally owned bookstores and thrift stores when I do want to add books to my collection! They’re usually cheaper and I love supporting small businesses when I can!

Never run out of bookmarks

I hardly ever purchase bookmarks, but I receive them as gifts quite often! I’ve never been a fan of dog-earring pages, so these bookmarks certainly come in handy. I love looking at all of the designs too! I have quite a few cat, cactus, and Harry Potter-themed bookmarks, and my most used has a seahorse design.

I tag:

Gemma Jayne

Strikeouts and Sprinkles

The Book and Beauty Blog

Weird Louise


What are some of your good reading habits?

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12 thoughts on “Good Reading Habits Tag

  1. Right now it feels like college is using up all my reading time, so I’m glad to hear that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel! I’m also pretty good at reading multiple books at once! I can only think of one time where I got confused, but I think that just had to do with the fact that both of the books I was reading were pretty generic, and so there was nothing to easily differentiate the two experiences.

    I don’t think I’ve ever bought bookmark, but I have quite the collection! I’ve received a few as gifts, but most of the other ones I’ve acquired have come with the book when I purchased it. That’s one of my favorite things about using Book Depository. The books always come with unique and beautiful bookmarks!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, it’s been a lot easier after graduating! Although I’ve started taking online courses for another degree, I’ve still been able to keep up with reading these days. I could see myself getting confused as well if the two books were similar!
      It’s nice that bookmarks are so easy to come by! I’ll have to check out the Book Depository-it would be cool to get a few bookmarks with my books! Thank you for reading! ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much for tagging me. Keeping track of what I read is one of my good habits. I use Goodreads, but I haven’t been doing a lot of reading lately because I’ve been busy with work. The library is something I need to get in the habit of using, I’m within walking distance of one too. Thanks for sharing your good reading habits. I’m looking forward to sharing some of mine in a future blog post.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is such a fun tag, thanks for sharing your answers Melissa! I also have a section in my bullet journal where I keep track of books I’ve read 🙂 Going to the library is a great way to save money and keep up with the latest books – I’ve never heard of Overdrive, that sounds great, I’ll have to check it out thank you for the recommendation! Fab post! ❤ xx

    Bexa |

    Liked by 1 person

    • No problem, thank you for reading! That’s great that you keep track of books in your bullet journal too. I’m hoping to check out Overdrive soon myself, but it certainly sounds like a wonderful way to get access to more books!


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